Thursday, 24 May 2012

A Sad Realisation.

I opened the curtains to our baby boys bedroom this morning and was greeted with a beautiful smile and a great big raspberry blown in my face. I felt the most intense wave of love wash through me and just grip my heart. Moments like these I cherish. 

As the weather has finally warmed up I have seasonally changed Ethans wardrobe over now so that he is in the summer clothes. He's 10 months but is getting snug in 12-18 month clothing, he's a big boy and so is his brother. Nathan will be 3 in August. He's in 4-5 yrs clothing. Anyway I digress. What hit me as I bagged up the next lot of clothing to go into the loft was the stark, sad realisation that the boys are growing up so so fast. Too fast. I suppose I'm seeing this more with Ethan as I'm physically bagging clothes up and moving him onto the next lot.

There are days that I plod along through, not necessarily taking my life for granted but maybe not appreciating quite what I have. I don't give myself credit for the job that I'm doing in bringing the boys up. It sinks in when they learn a new skill or when I have a conversation with Nathan just as I did this morning and he started to talk to me about bees. He went on to tell me that bees collect pollen to make us honey but that he shouldn't touch them. Amazing. Well to me it is anyway. I've started to notice the little things. The way that Nathan now interacts with Ethan as he is moving a bit more so is more interesting to his big brother. Nathan now knows if he sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Old MacDonald had a farm Ethan will dance. It's just so cute.

When I have told people that we will be Home Educating our family, the biggest response is "god I'd hate to be around my kids all day' Well, I'm one of those people that loves to be around them all day. I love seeing them learn new things, new words, new movements. I can't wait to help them become the men they will be come.

Today I discovered this blog here which is just fantastic. It follows one family's journey through their Home Ed experience so for a newbie like me it is very interesting reading. It's also great to see how they have overcome any difficult situations. It'll definitely be added to my regular list of reading material.

Since I've been researching and reading up on all things Home Ed my crafting has taken a bit of a back seat but I seem to of found a better balance now and feel a lot happier. I tend to get all consumed and bogged down with things trying to absorb everything in a day. I've realised I don't need to do that. I have plenty of time. Nathan guides me everyday on his interests and I know Ethan will too. I will use my natural instinct to follow their lead and then be the best mummy I can be.

I appreciate you reading and would love for you to leave me any comments that you may have.

Lisa xx


  1. I am just bagging up all my little man's 4yo clothes - he's only just turned 4 but wearing 5-6yrs! Are clothes getting smaller? Or our kids getting bigger? who knows... I applaud your decision to home ed. I thought about it but decided that, as an only child, he would benefit from the social interaction as much as the learning at school. I try to make everyday tasks a learning oportunity - gardening, walking in the woods, shopping etc. Good luck on your mission x

    1. Hi there, Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm sure the kids are getting bigger. My two are definitely bigger than others their age. We must just make big babies! That's what my mum says anyway lol. I think everyone has to make the decision that is good for them. You could always have another lol ;-) x

  2. I'm so proud of you Lisa - you are such an inspiration.

    Nathan & Ethan are so lucky - you're a wonderful person, and a truly wonderful Mum.

    I love that you want to Home Educate them, and think it's such an amazing commitment to make - I think if I had children, I'd love to be around them as much as possible as well.

    They are both beautiful boys, and with you to guide them, I'm sure will become wonderful young men in years to come xxx

    1. Ah Stacy as always you make me blush. Thank you for your kind words they mean a lot to me. Thank you for your continued support :-) xxx

  3. Hi, ((waves)) thanks for dropping by on the blog, so glad you found it helpful. x Really wish you all the best for your new home ed journey. It's an amazing ride filled with plenty of up and downs but definite deep deep joys. We have never regretted our decision to home educate. x

  4. Are you aware of Worthing Area Home Ed? They are a secret group on F.B. You can email me via my blog or chat via twitter and if you're not a member, and you wish to join - I can join you. x
