I've been noticing recently that Nathan needs a lot more stimulation than to just play with toys now. I'm not talking mathematical equations, he just needs more. I know people say that kids are like sponges but it truly amazes me just how he picks things up.
A week ago I started to do some basic number recognition with him. He has a book called Billy The Bear which is one of his favourites at the moment. It has magnetic animals and also the numbers 1-10 to put on each page. All I started to do was show him the numbers and tell him what they were. I'd then ask him for the number and he'd pass it to me to be placed on the page. There were a few he wasn't sure of and I didn't push him with them at all but when my bargain Lacing Numbers turned up (that I got on eBay for £3) I thought I'd give him a go with them and he knew all but number 9. The only reason he struggled with that is because it's exactly the same as the number 6. I couldn't believe how well he'd done after just 3 days. He was also away lacing the tiny fiddly holes after a couple of attempts! I've since spoken to his Montessori Pre-school Directress and she had a look at what he's been learning there and they haven't even started on numbers yet so everything he's learnt is from me!
Since then we've started playing a game with his big alphabet puzzle where I say the phonetic sound and he passes me the piece of the puzzle. He really enjoys this and it's a great way for him to learn the sounds rather than the letter. Any learning that we're doing I'm trying to find ways to make fun as he seems to lap it up a lot easier-plus he's not even 3 yet!
Ethan bless him is teething heavily at the moment and is extremely grumpy, he's teething for longer before cutting the tooth as well so this week on recommendation I introduced the teething granules and I also brought a baltic amber necklace which arrived yesterday. Hopefully these things help as it's hard to see my normally happy baby so sad. Watch this space.
Generally we've had a great week. Today sees the scaffolding go up for the start of our extension which will start on the 25th so this coming week I'll be deciding what I need to take and then pack for my 2 weeks at the Haven park in Hastings!
How's your week been so far? What fun tips do you have to stimulate your little ones and keep them interested?
Until next time.
Lisa x
Sounds like he's doing really well for so young! I wasn't sure when to start teaching my son letters and numbers, I didn't want to push him too young, but he was the one that showed the interest and kept asking, so I've been making a bit more of an effort.
ReplyDeleteHe;s doing so well bless him. I was quite surprised that he took to the numbers and have found that if somethings made fun for him he seems to just learn it! Wish I absorbed information like he does lol.